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At Timbó Arquitetura, we work with different scales and sectors, both commercial and residential. We work with architectural projects  and also with interior architecture projects.


We develop projects for the renovation and decoration of rooms, apartments and complete houses, and we also develop  proposals from scratch for an existing site.

The elaboration of the project is an essential phase for transforming your dream into reality, it is in the project that we put the  feasibility of the needs program according to the different spaces available  and customer taste.  

A well-designed and detailed project is essential for a successful site change at the execution stage,  choosing to invest in a project results in a clean, more economical work and makes the environment harmonious  is nice.

Sketch Arquitetura RJ


The Project is usually divided into stages and each one has its weight and importance:


A. Architectural Survey


Stage of the architectural survey of the existing area to be designed and digitization in

DWG/PDF format, consisting of measurements and analysis of the building and the terrain.


B. Preliminary Study


It constitutes the initial configuration of the architectural solution, taking into account the

local building code, proposal for the work (party), requests and requirements contained

in the needs program. Must receive customer approval.


C. Draft


Development of the Preliminary Study proposal, considering any changes

requested by customers in the presentation of the previous step, defining the party 

adopted and the facilities in general, enabling a clear understanding of the work to be



In the Preliminary Project stage, the complementary designers who

eventually become necessary for the execution of the work, in the subjects to be



- Structural Design;

- Electrical project;

- Hydrosanitary Project;

- Landscape design.


Among others as required by the project.  


D. Approval Project / Legal Project


Project for approval at City Hall, containing all material (to be confirmed and described) 

requested by the agency. Necessary and sufficient information will be produced to meet 

the legal requirements for the analysis and approval procedures of the legal project and the 


Drawings and texts required by laws, decrees, ordinances or regulations and relating to the various

public bodies or service concessionary companies in which the legal project must

be submitted for review and approval. An exclusive proposal will be made for this

stage, with separate fees and deadlines.


E. Executive Project


Set of technical documents (memorials, drawings and specifications) necessary for the

execution (construction, assembly, fabrication) of the work. It constitutes the configuration

developed and detailed of the Preliminary Project approved by the client.


F. Work Execution Monitoring


Complementary phase of the project that develops concomitantly with the execution of the work

(revisions required in the Executive Project / as built / Technical meetings to

clarification of doubts related to the Architectural Project).


Understanding each client's dream and profile, we seek to incorporate them into the project, turning expectations into reality.

Example of a notebook delivery  Detailing an Executive Project

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